Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Start of the End

So here it is. The last weekend over in Germany. It's been pretty freaking sweet and only three weeks long. Well not even that either. Oh well, this weekend is going to be pinned. Saturday is a late start with a hill climb at 3 this afternoon. It's about an hour away and it's a mass start race. Awesome. I want to do better in Sunday's Bundlesgia race. After the race today we drive back and pack up and clean the rooms. Sunday we're out of here at 6:30 and driving four hours to the Bundlesgia race. That is another afternoon race at 3 or 4 tomorrow. Then we are staying up at the race and packing the bikes before getting up and shuttling to the airport on Monday. Hopefully nothing goes bad and I'll be back home around 12 Monday night. Sick. And then the real world comes back. Bummer.

It's been some awesome times over here. The riding's pretty good, the guys are awesome to hang out with, and the racing is insanely hard. Although I'm going to miss it, it will be nice to be back. It's not the same as going to a camp in the states or something, you are freaking lonely over here. It's just a bunch of people who don't speak English or very little.

Haha, I'm just thinking about tomorrow. About 24 hours from now my boys will be just about back from the 12 hours of Tsali. A super big race for the team and I'm missing it. Not cool, but I'm sure they'll pick up the ropes and throw down for me.

Anyway, not a very interesting post so I guess I'll have to add some pictures. Haha. I'll probably be able to write another one tonight and tell you how the race went today but unless I can get some internet at the airport or hotel the next time I write will be back in Uh-merica. That is if the plane doesn't run out of fuel.

Later nerds,

Oh yeah more press, scroll to the very last line.

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