Sunday, October 31, 2010


Well, I'm a bit late in my latest blog but thanks to the wonders of the internet I can post as if it were yesterday. Literally. I'm posting this on the 31st of October. Whoops, I guess I shouldn't be telling you that.

Anyways,I was going to do this post because I had too many movie stocked up from the past few weeks so I had to get rid of them. Most are pretty sweet and I think you'll enjoy.

Also I never did a proper shout out after nationals so here goes.Shout outs: CB!-slalom track, Herndon- teaching me skills, Wes D-everything, Dan, Justin, Tina for listening to me complain and trying to keep me inline, the Bennetts for taking pictures, my parents for doing the things that they do to keep me around, the sister for buying me clothes, Thad for driving us to races and putting up with all of us for hours on end. And probably a ton more people that I'm forgetting. I'm writing this in like five seconds because I need to post these movies.


Oh yeah, expect another wayyy cooler post coming very soon with some big news.

More Mountain Biking Videos

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