Monday, January 19, 2009

Digging a new hole

I'm back for a bit, well for a while probably. I'm not very good at writing short blogs. But I'm working on it. Some good news, for you people that (hopefully) read my blog all the time and don't have google accounts you can now post comments. AWESOME! So I'm hoping I can bring my total readers from three up to five-ish, that would be sweet.

So like I was going to take some pictures of my new room, which is probably the coolest thing that has happened since we got back to school, but our room kind of got out hand this weekend so we need to clean it out. I'm going to try to post up some pictures tonight after we get everything cleaned up.

For those of you who are interested my racing, I'll give you an update. The new year started off bad because I lost one of my big sponsors and although I'm still waiting on some others I'm not really sure what will happen with the recession and everything. So I can't really say anything just yet because I'm still looking for more support. I'll for sure do the collegiate road racing schedule which I'll post later and of course the mountain races in the fall but over the summer is still up in the air.

Right now I'm just chilaxing and stuff and still riding but not really training super hard. With that said, I can still pinnit so don't think that racing is going to be easy.

I'm off to help Chaput let Timmay's dog out so I'll see if I can post some pictures so our awesome dorm room when I get back.


Natasha Cowie said...

watch out dude, you're going to lick your stache off

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