Monday, November 10, 2008

Reverse of Pinned

I've been pinned for the last 36 hours. It's been awesome and the opposite of awesome. To make the story short I raced the Swank on Sunday and had to stay up late to finish a paper. Everybody was asking what the paper was about but I told them that they didn't want to know. Basically, it was about religious revivalism in the 19th century. Awesome, ha not!

Whatever, I was pinned till 3 o'clock when it was due. After I stuck it under the door I pretty much collapsed from exhaustion. I got like 5 hours of sleep and then rode 38 miles in Pisgah. Good times.

I finished up 7th after getting passed on the last climb. It was an ok race, not good but not bad. I did get beat by the KOP but that's why he's the King, so I can't be to upset about that. I really hope somebody reads this before tomorrow, because I'm suggesting that you get my wheel at Squirrel Cross because I'm not sticking around for long.

I'll see if I can write some more this weekend. I'm working on some new stuff for next year so we'll see what happens.

T's going to bed.

1 comment:

Wes D said...

How did that cross thing work out for ya?