I'm so mellowed out right now, it was a good day. I worked on some projects around the house and built some more jumps. In case I forget to write a blog before this weekend (which I probably will) I was typing one out tonight. I was going to save it for a surprise but I can't wait.
Saturday night I'm flying out to Washington state to hang with the sister for a few days. I'm meeting up with Dad and we're driving up to Crankworks for a few days too. Then it's a long drive back with plenty of riding along the way. Yes, I said Crankworks. Did I mention that I'm awesome?
So yeah, just wanted to throw that out there. Haha, have fun on the east coast suckers!!
I'm going to be tac'ed out for the next few weeks. Keep it real 'merica!
Oh yeah, I added some picture from my accident. They were taken three for four days after it happened, once I was able to walk around a bit. I'm healing up just fine, I haven't really ridden since but don't worry I still got it, haha!
Check out that sponsor repping! Damn I'm good.