Thursday, April 9, 2009

Free Thoughts

So I've been taking the last couple of days off from writing. I need a break from doing blogs every other day. I've just been working on projects that deal with school and not with school at the same time. I've been thinking a lot too. Pretty much about everything. I'm trying to think of a way to make this blog more interesting. That's part of the reason that I might be cutting back on the number of posts. Instead of doing a post for every race, I might switch it up so that more races are grouped together and there's other less boring stuff in there.

We'll see. Blogging is a very interesting, very unique way of communication in this century. If any one ever is interested you can go back and read my old, old posts and see the changes I've had to make in my writing style. It's not easy writing these posts as I realize more and more that anyone can read it.

Some interesting notes, just some of what has been going through my head in the past few weeks.

Tsali went well, not great again, but just right. I ended up 4th out of a huge 30+ plus field. I forgot to take pictures because I was running around trying to hand out flyer's for Mrs. Squirrel so sorry about that but I'm sure that the able can find some on facebook. I might have played my tactics a little off but with every race I learn something new.

Someone once told me that eventually I will hit a plateau and stop improving. I don't think that will ever happen. I have so many goals that I will never, ever run out of things to do. That's the beauty of our sport isn't it? You can always go faster, always improve, always ride a little farther in the same time. That's what I've been learning to enjoy lately, I figure that this time I'm in college is the only time in my life that I will have time to do the things I want to why waste it? It doesn't matter what the weather, the problems, the success, the frustrations; I'm doing what I love and I couldn't be happier.

Keep it pinned

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