Thursday, February 14, 2008

Scotty Up

Hey I was going through some old papers in my desk and found some stuff I wrote in Scotland and forgot to publish. This was written I either just before or just after my race. Here goes:

Finally I got some time to myself . Well, sort of. Steven, Ethan and I are chilaxing in our room. Steven is reading a book for class and E is listening to his ipod. So I somewhat have some time of own. Let me go back to the subject of having three people in one room.

First off, there is no clock. So we have to set our watches to the right time to get up. Second, for some reason the Brits don't use wash cloths. They gave us three towels and three things like you step on when you get out of the shower, but we have two sheets that are made for that purpose. I can't think of anything else about that so I'll move on.

The dinning. The dinning room is pretty swank. They have multiple forks and spoons and knives to use. Knowing which one to use at the right time is the key. That's about all the good things about the dinning. For breakfast if you don't get there by 9:00am sharp, you don't eat. Period.
For shouwa. Actually when I did get up in time to eat this morning (Wensday) it was the best meal I had over there. Second, don't get seconds, at all. The first day was a sandwich and bowl of soup.

Oh yeah all the food, except for some of the soups, have absolutely no taste. The chicken we had last night was skinned and cooked. No spices, no seasoning, just chicken. The waitresses (by the way the waitresses are fairly good looking and handle everything perfectly, they would probably pick you nose if you asked them to) gave us pasta and then asked us (like we were crazy if we did) if we wanted sauce on the chicken. Unlike previous worlds where they had buffets this was a full fledged Scottish restaurant, catering, and I don't even know what serving team.

Back to the room for a moment. Now think about this for a second. You have three college age guys. One room. Got it? Dose it seem like a good idea to give them one key to the room? No it's a terrible idea. By Wednesday we had been locked out of our room four times.

The Junior and U23 girls raced today. I don't know how the U23 chicks did, but both juniors were in the top 20. That's pretty good. I've got my race tomorrow. I feel pretty good but I have no idea how the race will plan out so I'm shooting for 1st for 2nd American. Have fun in the states and be thankful for your washcloths.

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